Your body needs exercise. And you can exercise through jogging. Many people want to jog but many also quit after a few tries. How do you decide on making jogging a part of your lifestyle? How do you keep track on your desire to do this?

First, take an honest inventory of your fitness level. Based on your fitness level, make realistic goals. Remember, you can't go from sitting on the couch to jogging five miles in just one try. It will take time and a lot of resolve to keep on jogging happily.

In the beginning, set up a distance as your starting point. Should you get tired, you can always walk to catch your breath. Then, jog again when you get your breath back. In time, you will be jogging the entire distance! After you've reached this, increase the distance in small increments each week. Remember, the key is not in finishing the distance in less time but in getting more distance covered.

Also, it is of utmost importance to stretch before and after jogging. If you don't do this, your muscles will feel tight and painful, thus making you stop jogging for a couple of days. Proper stretching will also prevent injuries to your legs and feet while jogging. If and when you do get sore, alternate with walking for a few days until you feel better. This way, you still get to exercise regularly.

Another tip is to jog at your own pace and not at someone else's. Remember, your goals are based on your fitness level. So don't get intimidated when other people jog longer or faster than you do. Compete only with yourself. And never forget to do the following: compliment your efforts, focus on what you have accomplished, and celebrate reaching the milestones and goals that you have set.

A routine route can also be boring. Choose various routes for you to enjoy the view. This will certianly motivate you to continue jogging. But do get a pedometer so you can keep track of the distance that you've covered.

Lastly, dress in layers so you won't get too hot or cold. You can always tie a light jacket around your waist.

Happy jogging, everyone!

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