...not with envy or jealousy though. I have decided to go green in order to do my part in saving the environment. Some blogs back, I posted about the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" and how it impacted my life. After that, I always made sure that we unplug appliances that are not in use. We have changed all our incandescent bulbs into CFLs. Well, these are baby steps into going green but I know they could help.

Good enough that while browsing at Powerbooks in Makati (one of the things I miss about living in Makati), I chanced upon a very interesting book by David Bach. "GO GREEN, LIVE RICH"

At first I thought does this have to do with selling products for recycling? It piqued my curiosity because I do want to go green and to get rich (well, who doesn't?). So there I sat for hours on end pouring over the book. As I turned each page onto the next, I thought to myself, it may be difficult but definitely doable. And the sacrifices will be well-worth it knowing that I am lending a hand in making the Earth clean and more liveable...for my children and apos.

How do we get rich by going green? Through the savings that will result from each action that we make. I listed some pointers and websites. I will be visiting each of the websites and trying out some of the pointers. And I will definitely blog about them. Better yet, grab a copy of the book, too! And I hope that in one way or the other, I can influence you also in going green... Let's go green to save Mother Earth for a better and cleaner future for all of us!

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